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15 May 2023

“You’ve been a lifeline” – Help SANE stay only a phone call away

This Mental Health Awareness Week donate to SANE and have your donation doubled, helping us stay only a phone call away from anyone affected by mental illness.

SANE is delighted to announce our participation in The Big Give ‘Kind2Mind’ Campaign. For seven days from midday on Monday 15th May to Monday 22nd May, any donation made to SANE through The Big Give website will be doubled. Your donations will go directly to helping us provide support to those who need it most through our SANEline service.

SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness. We are open every day of the year from 4pm to 10pm.

This year’s theme of Mental Health Awareness Week is anxiety, and with the aftermath of the pandemic, war in Europe and climate change, it is no surprise that anxiety is at the heart of many mental health worries this year.

Being able to call SANEline and speak to our trusted volunteers can be a lifeline. SANE services’ user, Anna*, described how calling SANEline helped her see a way through: “Earlier this year, I was at a very low point. The next day I spoke to SANE, there was no magic wand to be waved and I knew that – but being able to air my anxieties was, of itself, a great relief.”

We aim to support more people like Anna than ever, with the help of your donations. Your donations can ensure our highly trained volunteers can remain on the other end of the phone for anyone experiencing mental illness. Another SANE services user, Robert* explained how our highly trained volunteers make SANEline special.

Robert says: “Your support is the best crisis support that I have ever had. It has helped me so much in lots of ways and I am now in a much better place again, thank you.”

Joanna Christophi, Director of Corporate Relations, Marketing and Resources at SANE, says: “By donating during The Big Give campaign and through The Big Give website, your gift will be doubled. Whether it’s £5 that becomes £10, or £100 that becomes £200, every penny makes a difference.”

“We are here every day, from 4pm to 10pm, taking calls and helping anyone affected by mental illness. Help us stay only a phone call away, and even save lives.”

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* Anna and Robert are pseudonyms and any identifying features have been adapted to ensure confidentiality and anonymity.

DOUBLE your donation to SANE with The Big Give HERE.

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