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27 Mar 2024

Escalating Crisis – Preventable Loss of Young Lives

SANE responds to the CQC’s Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2022/2023 report

“The Care Quality Commission’s report echoes everything SANE has been fighting for over the past decade. Yet despite repeated positive words and financial pledges from government, the lack of access to care and treatment, particularly for young people, has led to an escalating crisis.

“In our experience, the fundamental problem is the continued closure of beds and units, resulting in mentally ill people having nowhere to be given a safe place locally and instead being shunted around the country, leaving them isolated and distressed.

“All the cases we have been involved in reflect the findings in this indicting CQC report and its concern that people with mental illness are being put at risk.

“We believe that without restoring beds and a huge recruitment drive for staff, there will continue to be headline cases and preventable loss of life.”

-Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of mental health charity SANE

Related: Care Quality Commission Monitoring the Mental Health Act.

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