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20 Feb 2024

Dancing Through Darkness

We were very distressed to learn of the death of Robin Windsor, one of SANE’s most vigorous and loyal ambassadors. He brought the elegance, energy and sheer joy of his dancing into mental health and gave hope to those, like him, who have struggled with dark times.

He was charismatic and generous with his time, raising funds and supporting our campaigns. As he told us in an interview,

“I didn’t want to tell anybody how I was feeling. As a man at that time, being depressed was still a very taboo subject and I didn’t really want anybody to know how I was feeling. I was always seen as a happy person, always with a big smile on my face. Now I realise that those with the biggest smiles sometimes can hide the biggest pain.”

“In my darkest times, somebody from SANE contacted me asking me about a tweet I had put on. It was then that I made contact with SANE and found somebody who would help me talk and everything just started getting better.”

We had planned a series of dance events with him. As he told us, “Use me for whatever you want, we need people to know SANE is there for them.”

Marjorie Wallace CBE

Founder and Chief Executive of SANE

Read the full interview here: Dancing Through Darkness: In conversation with Robin Windsor

If you or anyone you know needs to talk to someone, our SANEline services are available 365 days of the year.

SANEline 0300 304 7000 ?(4pm to 10pm 365 days a year)

Call-back service 0300 124 7900 ?(leave name name & phone number)

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Robin please click here.

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