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30 Jun 2022

SANE pays tribute to remarkable supporter and friend, Sir Colin Blakemore

SANE is saddened to hear of the death of world-renowned neuroscientist and University of Oxford professor, Sir Colin Blakemore FRS.

Sir Colin, had motor neurone disease and passed away on Monday, aged 78.

He was a powerful influence and force at SANE in raising awareness and was also instrumental in helping to found the Prince of Wales International Centre for SANE Research in Oxford.

As well as a brave, brilliant and charmingly persuasive friend, he was an advocate for people whose lives are blighted by mental illness.

We hope to recognise Sir Colin’s extraordinary contribution by dedicating a plaque to him in our research centre.

Marjorie Wallace and Sir Colin Blakemore

Pictured: Sir Colin Blakemore with Marjorie Wallace CBE, SANE Chief Executive, at St John’s College, Oxford in 2021

Further reading:

Tributes paid to Oxford neuroscientist Professor Sir Colin Blakemore – BBC News

Sir Colin Blakemore (1944-2022) – Humanists UK

Announcement of the death of Prof Sir Colin Blakemore – MND Association

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