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20 Aug 2020

Krzysztof hosts concert at home raising almost £2k for SANE

Listening to classical music has been praised by researchers for boosting mental health and reducing anxiety. Dr Michael Schneck, a neurologist with Loyola Medicine in Chicago, explains: “Listening to the harmonies and rhythms of classical music may provide a calming effect for people, thus helping to lower their blood pressure.”

In May, at the peak of lockdown, Krzysztof had the initiative to create #StaySane Concerts from Home, where he performed a series of mini-concerts around 10-15 minutess every day for a week to raise awareness of mental illness.


He posted the recitals on his Facebook page.  His final performance was live-streamed on his YouTube channel on Sunday the 3 May with the following repertoire: Beethoven – Sonata op. 27 no. 2 ‘Moonlight’,  Debussy – ‘Clair de Lune’,  Chopin – Ballade in g minor op. 23 and Chopin – Polonaise in A flat major op. 53 ‘Heroic”.

The recital was very successful and we were delighted to have a second one given by Krzysztof on 7th June 2020. The program was: Chopin – Polonaise-Fantaisie Op.61,  Liszt – Liebestraum  and  Chopin – Scherzo no.2 . You can watch it again on YouTube.

On his online fundraising page Krzysztof wrote: “We all know how fear and a lockdown can have a big impact on our minds and feelings. The most vulnerable and lonely people need as much help and attention as those who are physically ill.”

What prompted Krzysztof to support SANE?

“I think SANE is doing a tremendous job with keeping their national helpline as one of the main sources of help in a socially-distant time. People who suffer from anxiety and depression and other conditions can be helped by professionals and trained volunteers every day of the week. This is vital as there are not many other alternatives that those in need can use to seek help.”

Krzysztof’s experience and constant practice of classical music has enabled him to realise the effect it has on people and on himself.

“Classical music can greatly reduce the sense of anxiety and negative feelings and I think it can also transport people into a different reality which helps us to forget about problems for a moment. I chose the repertoire as a combination of the audience’s favourite pieces as well as my own. These concerts will be available on YouTube at least for a few more weeks, if anyone would like to listen to the music again.”

Thank you Krzysztof, for sharing your musical talents with your viewers and for giving comfort to many people with mental illness through music and through your fundraising!

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