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14 Apr 2022

How David’s fundraising for SANE hit all the right notes

Music is a powerful thing. Aside from its entertainment value, listening to music is known to have incredible positive effects on our brain. Making music can also have similar effects. And that’s just how David has raised almost £4,500 for SANE.

David Mosey is a fundraiser who hit all the right keys to support people with mental illness. He has written and released a song named Ice Ice Maybe and donated the proceeds to SANE which has already raised this amazing amount.

You can purchase the CD and support SANE via his fundraising page.

We asked David what inspired him to write music. “My music is inspired by sharing the humour found in personal stories and current events. My CD for SANE includes songs about my friend Roger who pretended his dad was an astronaut and about the effects of climate change on animals such as polar bears.”

David Mosey

“Mental health is an important issue for me,” David says, “because it has affected members of my family and because we are all put under exceptional strain during these difficult times.” He continues, “now more than ever we need the sympathetic professional support offered by SANE.”

Climate change is something important to David and he has offered his expertise. He told us, “My concerns about climate change led me to accept a government appointment, free of charge, reviewing how construction companies can collaborate to reduce carbon emissions and increase social value.”

“The resultant review was published in December 2021 as ‘Constructing the Gold Standard’ (PDF, 4.13MB) and the government have committed to implement all its recommendations.”

And David is going the extra mile for people with mental illness. “This year I am using the positive reactions to ‘Constructing the Gold Standard’ to offer talks for the construction industry in return for donations to SANE.”

Thanks to David, SANE will be able to fully train three volunteers for the SANE helpline as it costs £1,500 to train each one. SANE support services run 365 days per year with the help of these vital volunteers. Under the supervision of a mental health professional, each expertly trained volunteer commits to four hours per week – 180 hours a year – offering one-to-one emotional support and information via phone, online and text.

David can be seen playing one of his songs entitled the Ballad of Gabriel Alix on YouTube.

Our heartfelt thanks to David for his incredible support!

To find out how you can volunteer with SANE take a look at our Volunteering page.

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