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08 Nov 2018

Jordan faces his biggest fear and does 13,000ft skydive for SANE

Jordan and his two friends, Jack and Adam, braved a skydive for mental health awareness on Thursday 4 October. He did not take his fundraising lightly and raised an astounding £1,632 for SANE.

Facing his biggest fear with a skydive

It is admirable that Jordan is terrified of heights, yet his passion for raising this awareness was so strong that it pushed him to face his biggest fear – to skydive 13,000ft in the air.

He says: “I can’t even get four steps up a ladder. I wanted to do something where I can tackle my fear but at the same time express how much this means to me.”

Mental Health Awareness

In June, Jordan also shared his story in the East Anglian Daily Times to raise awareness for his fundraising.

He says: “It is apparent to us all how much mental health has/or is affecting thousands of people across the UK and world. Awareness raised in recent times has created a response where more and more people are speaking out and seeking help thanks to charities such as SANE and many, many more.”

Jordan has experience of depression and anxiety. So, he wanted to raise awareness and get people to open up and talk about their feelings.

He has worked hard to raise his final amount; we commend him and his friends on their bravery. We find the support invaluable, and we want to thank Jordan and all who donated for their generosity.

Would you like to face one of your biggest fears for charity, like Jordan? If so, check our our Events page and get involved today!

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