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20 Nov 2018

Flying oversees to run the New York Marathon for SANE

Michael Beer took his running shoes oversees and ran the New York Marathon, raising over £800 for SANE. On 4 November, Michael completed the largest marathon in the world in 5 hours and 2 minutes, despite battling the flu in the week leading up to the race.

Opening up the conversation for mental health

After struggling with mental health issues himself, Michael decided that raising money for SANE would be an important way of helping others to speak out:

“People use the term ‘fighting mental illness’ for a reason: you have a battle going on that no one can see. Some people cannot find the voice inside them to call a friend or family member to strike up a conversation and discuss something so personal.”

“I am currently in a position in life where I have a life I am in love with: my children, my missus, my friends, my job. I feel very fortunate and grateful to be in such a position. But even so, sometimes you have bad days, and sometimes you can’t even explain why.”

fundraiser michael completes New York City Marathon with medal in his hand

Since Michael has always found that exercise has played a major part in maintaining positive mental health, it seemed appropriate that running a marathon would be his way of contributing to SANE’s cause. And, despite his illness getting in the way of his preparations, Michael soldiered on to complete the 26 miles with a huge smile on his face.

Next fundraiser

Michael is now back home and resting up after his achievements, and is ready to fundraise again:

“Whilst I recover I am planning my next marathon with the hope of raising some more money for SANE to help them continue the amazing work they do. SANE are a fantastic outlet to those who cannot reach out to friends or perhaps feel that they are a ‘burden’ to others.”

Thank you, Michael!

If you have been inspired by Michael’s story, and would like to find out how to challenge yourself, check out our Events Page and sign up to your own adventure today!

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