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17 May 2023

Credos: A way to ease Omar’s anxiety

There are different ways to deal with anxiety, all of which are personal and individual for the person living with the disorder. For some people experiencing anxiety, credos repeating clarifying thoughts and words of self-belief can help ease symptoms.

Mental health campaigner, Omar Laftah, uses Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy Credos to help keep his generalised anxiety disorder at bay. Omar has shared some of his most used credos today with SANE, a step-by-step reassurance which helps ease his mind in moments of anxiety. Find out more below:

Omar’s Credos:

Omar Laftah 2
  • I will feel anxious at times.
  • This anxiety comes with negative thoughts about failing. I make honest mistakes which is natural.
  • I am a fallible human being. My moods are like the weather changing very often, most of the time they are positive and I don’t have to overthink anything, just allow things to transpire while asserting my personal rights.
  • I am in complete control of my mind & my actions. I can live the way I want. I know challenging times are ahead like everybody else’s life, but I can deal with them.
  • I have a toolbox that can solve any concerns, it’s up to me to use it, I don’t value negative opinions of myself from others.
  • I allow only positivity into my life & negativity from people and put downs stay where they are pushed far away.      
  • I have no need to struggle or over-think which is far beyond my capabilities as I said I’m in control.
  • I define my destiny nobody else. I work hard to achieve my goals which are healthy, nobody can take this away from me.
  • I often know I will come back to this credo, to provide courage, strength, and resilience.

Further reading

How to cope with anxiety – NHS ( – Learn about different ways to cope with anxiety.

Emotional support – SANE – SANE offers a range of emotional support for anyone affected by mental illness. Find out more here.

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