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22 Jul 2022

SANE congratulates Rethink Mental Illness on 50th anniversary celebrations

As Rethink Mental Illness marks its 50th anniversary, people affected by mental health conditions, including families and carers, as well as campaigners owe a great deal to the charity’s remarkable work.

Rethink Mental Illness was founded in 1972 by John Pringle, when it was originally known as The National Schizophrenia Fellowship, following his article in The Times about his son’s schizophrenia.

Marjorie Wallace CBE, founder and Chief Executive of SANE, said:

“Congratulations to Rethink Mental Illness on this landmark and on their remarkable work on behalf of those affected by severe mental illness. Without them, I would not have been inspired to write ‘The Forgotten Illness’ articles.

“SANE has been proud to work with the charity over the years to raise public awareness and campaign for improved understanding, care, research and support.”

Find out more about ‘The Forgotten Illness’ and SANE’s history

Read the articles in full on Issuu at

Rethink Mental Illness

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