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27 Jan 2021

Schizophrenia is risk factor for Covid-19 death

Schizophrenia may be one of the highest risk factors for dying from COVID-19, second only to age, according to a new study

Previous studies had found that people with mental illnesses, particularly depression and schizophrenia had a higher risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. But it was not known whether mental disorders were also associated with a risk of dying from COVID-19.

Marjorie Wallace, Chief Executive of SANE, on US research finding that schizophrenia is a major risk factor for Covid-19 death:

“This study reveals the need for more research into the still unexplained biochemistry of schizophrenia and the wider risks for patients, and further questions those who may deny the medical impact of the illness on other conditions.

“We call on the Government to review urgently these findings, and include people with schizophrenia in those vulnerable groups for early vaccination.”

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