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15 Jul 2021 , by gradgirl97

Post-graduation depression is real

Adjusting to life after university can be tough and experiencing depression after university is a lot more common than you may think.

Shall we talk about University? It’s a place where we go to further our knowledge and education in the field we one day want to succeed in. We explore and find out who we are as a person. We make a ton of news friends, in which only a handful will stick around for life, and eventually we graduate.

But what happens after we graduate? Three years of freedom we’re given. Three. And then we’re back to living under our parents’ roof under the constant pressure to find a job.

A strong support system

I’ve suffered with depression and severe anxiety with panic disorder since the age of 14. I had struggled majorly under the roof of my mother but when I moved to university and had my own space everything felt much easier to cope with. I still had depressive episodes and my anxiety was still on high but, for some reason, I felt that I was finally around a very strong support system of friends and counselling, and eventually was able to cope with my mental illness without the aide of medication.

Three years later, and I have eventually graduated University with a degree – brilliant! However, I am back under the roof of my mother whom, I must add, understands that mental health is a real thing but just doesn’t believe that mine is real. Therefore it’s hard to live with someone who refuses to acknowledge your mental wellbeing.

Constant pressure

Now, let’s talk about the main reason of this article, Post-Graduation Depression.

The constant pressure that is put on us graduates to find a job straight after university is severely high. Not just pressure from our parents, but from our peers and society too. So when we do not get a job straight out of university we are seen as lazy and slobs. unfortunately what society fails to see is that for us graduates, it is hard for us to find a job with the little experience we have because of our many years of education.

A BBC article said that graduates ‘need mental health support’ and, while there are no official figures on the numbers who experience mental health issues after leaving university, research by the City Mental Health Alliance found 49% of students felt low after graduating.

What help is available?

According to Graduate Coach, there are a few different things that you can do to lift your mood such as staying active, maintaining your social life, and getting help with securing the right graduate job for you. However, if you’re particularly concerned about your mental health, visit your GP who will be able to advise you.

Help is available and you don’t need to go through this alone.

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