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Blogs by hollyashby

We are delighted to share a selection of blogs written by our supporters that communicate their experience of mental health.

To share your experiences, stories or poetry, please go to Write a blog. You will need to be a registered member of the SANE Community, go to login/register.

Starting to meditate when you’re prone to depression

08 Jul 2019 , by hollyashby

Starting to meditate when you’re prone to depression

Perhaps one of the most promising things about meditation is that initial studies suggest it can relieve the symptoms of depression. Depression is something that affects huge amounts of people, with the World Health Organisation listing it as one of the leading causes of disability worldwide – and it’s an …

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Finding motivation through the January blues

04 Jan 2019 , by hollyashby

Finding motivation through the January blues

With Christmas and 2018 behind us, and a whole new year stretching out ahead, January is a time for fresh starts and resolutions. But with the third Monday in January known for the most miserable day of the year, and weeks of cold and dark ahead, many of us can …

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