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Donate your shares

How does it work?

If you have shares that are uneconomical to sell, you may wish to consider donating them to ShareGift, the share donation charity. 

You can help support SANE’s work by donating any size of shareholdings you may have to ShareGift, and mentioning that you support us.

Donate your shares >

What is ShareGift?

ShareGift is an independent UK registered charity (No. 1052686) which specialises in releasing the money locked up in small shareholdings, but which can accept donations of any size. ShareGift works by collecting together small lots of shares until there are enough to sell and then donating the resulting proceeds to a wide range of charities and charitable causes.

To date ShareGift has donated over £45 million to more than 3,500 charities. ShareGift make their grants based upon research and suggestions from donors.

ShareGift has already made grants totalling £57,500 to SANE

For more information on ShareGift go to 

Tax relief when you donate to a charity

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can claim income tax relief on the value of most stocks and securities when you donate them to a charity. In addition, donating shares charitably gives rise to neither a gain nor a loss for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes.

Donations by individuals to charity or to community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) are tax free. This is called tax relief.

The tax goes to you or the charity. How this works depends on whether you donate

Read more:

If you only have a small number of shares, which a charity might not think worthwhile

You can give your shares to ShareGift, a registered charity (registered charity number 10526868). Their charity share donations scheme accepts gifts of small numbers of shares, aggregates them and then donates the sale proceeds to a number of registered charities. ShareGift can also accept larger donations of shares to specific charities.

5.18.2 For further information, please visit the ShareGift website.

Or learn more: Giving land, buildings, shares and securities to charity (HMRC)

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