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SANEline is open between 4pm to 10pm, 365 days a year

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Join our Friends and Champions

Our highly-valued Friends and Champions lend their time and energy to publicise SANE services, back our campaigns and help to fundraise for our continued growth and success.

We are always keen to hear from people who are willing to take more of an active role in helping us tackle stigma, and improve mental health awareness.

Join us in breaking down the stigma of mental illness by sharing your own insight and experience.

You will be an advocate for the work we do – and we ask that you engage where you can with our campaigning and fundraising activities by:

  • Resharing our posts on social media
  • Joining in with campaigns
  • Providing quotes or comments for awareness days
  • Taking over one of our social media channels for an afternoon/morning/day.
  • Providing quotes for our website on particular topics, e.g. depression or coping tips

Our followers are a varied and come from all walks of life. They all share our passion and interest in mental health.

If you are interested in joining us, please email

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