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Leave a gift in your Will

One of the most profound ways you can support charities long into the future is to leave them a gift in your Will. Simply put, charities rely on gifts in Wills to continue their work.

Gifts in wills help SANE to provide people with understanding, acceptance, empathy, compassion and hope. Putting the people who need us most first – in any way we can.

It’s a common myth that you have to leave a large amount of money to charity in your Will. In fact, even a small donation can make a huge difference to the causes you care about.

If, after taking care of your family and friends, you have even a small amount left, a gift to SANE in your Will could make all the difference.

Free Wills Month

Free Wills Month

Free Wills Month happens every March and October offering members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in locations across England, Scotland and Wales.

For more information and to find a participating solicitor in your area, go to

Why you should leave a gift in your Will to SANE?

At any one time, around one in six people are affected by a mental health condition – that’s millions of people living lives often overshadowed by stigma, discrimination and fear.

Every year our team of volunteers and mental health professionals provides more than 11,000 hours of time, guidance, information and emotional support.

Our promise to you

A gift to SANE is special. It’s your promise of a better future for individuals and families affected by mental illness. A promise that means we can continue to put the people who need us first – in any way we can.

For more information, download SANE’s Legacy Brochure (PDF 1.37 MB) or to discuss your legacy you can call us 020 3805 1790 or email

Reasons to leave a gift in your Will to charity

  • It makes us happier

People who leave a gift to charity in their Will get a huge amount of satisfaction knowing that their values and beliefs will be passed on to future generations.

  • Help the work live on

Gifts in Wills allow charities to continue providing vital services, whether it’s researching cures for cancer, supporting vulnerable people or taking care of animals.

  • Reduce inheritance tax

A gift to charity is free from inheritance tax and if you leave more than 10% of your entire estate to charity then the total amount of inheritance tax you pay reduces from 40% to 36%.

  • Remember a loved one

Many people choose to leave a gift to a charity that was important to a loved one, to keep their memory alive.

I have experienced schizophrenia and other mental illness in my family and know the impact it has. I joined SANE, volunteering my help, soon after my late son’s breakdown, and I know just how important it was to get expert guidance, support and understanding.

SANE is 100% funded by private donations and bequests. Anything you can leave is exceptionally valuable as it will enable SANE to continue giving others the help I received.

David Gladstone, retired SANE trustee

How to leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will to SANE is easier than you might think – just follow these simple steps:

Step 1 – The charity details
Make a note of the charity name, address and registered charity number:

SANE, St. Mark’s Studios, 14 Chillingworth Road, Islington, London, N7 8QJ
Registered Charity No. 296572

It’s very important to make sure the charity number is correct to avoid any confusion, as lots of charities have similar names.

Step 2 – Find a solicitor or professional Will writer
Find a solicitor or professional Will writer to write or update your Will. You can use Remember a Charity Week’s solicitor and Will writer finder to search for qualified advisors in your local area.

Step 3 – Make your Will
Making a Will is the best way to protect the people you care about. And it’s a lot easier than you might think. Take a look at Remember a Charity Week’s guide on making a Will for advice on what you need to consider when writing your Will.

Step 4 – contact your solicitor or Will writer
Provide your solicitor or Will writer with SANE’s details. They will need the full charity name, charity address and registered charity number – as above.

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