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Finance Manager

This is a great opportunity for a dynamic individual who has financial experience and knowledge of working with smaller charities /and or companies to make a positive impact during a period of growth. The ideal candidate will be a part- or fully qualified accountant or qualified by experience, highly organised, have strong people skills, is a team player with an ability to look at the macro and micro pictures simultaneously. SANE is a great place to work alongside passionate staff and volunteers who are keen to make a difference to those affected by mental health.

Overall job purpose:
Manage all finance systems and processes including payroll, pensions, and insurance.
Work with and provide support to the Board of Trustees, CEO and the Senior Management Team as well as support the needs of the office across the organisation.

Closing Date Wednesday 22nd May

(PDF, 262KB)

(Word, 172KB)

To Apply

Please complete the application form outlining your relevant experience and why you are well qualified to do this job and return to quoting ‘Finance Manager” in the subject line.

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