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29 Sep 2021 , by Samantha Crilly

Charlotte: A poem about my twin sister

When I was dragged into the depths of hell
My sister jumped in after me and we both fell.
Grabbing my hand as we hit the ground
She pulled me to my feet as we both looked around.

I could see the fear seeping from her eyes
As I began to turn into a moste she no longer recognised.
Imprisoned in a place so cold and hollow,
She had the gateway to turn back but she would always follow.

Protecting me was something she was determined to do –
She just kept repeating the words ‘I will never leave you’.
She didn’t. She stayed by my side all the way through
Even when I was too blind to say ‘thank you’.

Not once has she blamed me for bringing her to such a dark place,
Not once did she throw back any of her losses in my face.
I wanted to write this poem for carers, siblings and friends
Who often get forgotten until the horror ends.

Every sufferer is thankful and really does love you –
They are just riddled with an illness that doesn’t trust you,
But when your loved ones come back into the light
Your bond will be unbreakable and will shine the brightest of bright

Dedicated to my beautiful twin sister x

  • Very nice well done and thank you for taking the time to consider your twin sister my son looks out for me sometimes when I go to the bad place but as you say we never understand why Phil

    Phil - 16 Feb 2022, 2:28am

  • This poem is so beautiful Charlotte. It illustrates really clearly the all too common struggle of both those of us with poor mental health to be understood and supported despite feeling like running away from and pushing away our loved ones and the struggle to reach, love, walk alongside and support us faced by them. Well done you x

    Goodthoughts - 04 Mar 2022, 6:39am

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