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06 Jun 2020 , by fjr

Poem: Recovery

It was a cold and frosty day,
When I began to drift away.
Like a snowman melts in the glare,
I wanted to fade and lose every care.
I slowly put my head below,
I felt the water swirl and flow.
But through the haze I heard a voice,
Telling me I had a choice.
To continue on, with love and support,
Because to people, love I brought.

Times have been hard and the road has been long,
Sometimes I’ve felt like I couldn’t go on.
I’ve had many a setback, failure and strife,
I’ve wondered what is the point of my life.
I overcame obstacles, chased my fears,
Gritted my teeth and smiled through the tears.
I began to see a glimmer of hope,
Those around me helped me to cope.

Now years have passed and times have changed,
I kept on moving through the pain.
I found the strength inside of me,
Enjoyment in helping others succeed.
Recovery is possible if you believe,
You can accomplish and you can achieve.
Like a star I shine in the dark,
I will be here to leave my mark.
Now I can see how far I’ve come,
As I turn to face the sun.

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