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27 Feb 2020 , by becky22

Poem: It’s OK to not be OK

A person may appear fine on the outside but all may not be as it seems
For no one can ever know, just what’s going on behind the scenes

A person may come across as bubbly and confident but in reality feel lost and alone
They may worry about being a burden and won’t make their worries and anxieties known

A person may appear to have everything, a good home, nice family and a career at its peak
When inside they feel like things are falling apart, they’re losing hope and feeling weak

They may seem a strong person, their inner struggle they may be afraid to share
They may feel people don’t want to listen, that no one really cares

We don’t know someone’s thoughts and feelings, we don’t know what goes through their mind
So we should think before we speak, it costs nothing to be kind

For words can be powerful, people’s lives can be impacted by what we say
But most of all we should remember, it’s OK to not be OK


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