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Blogs by SamanthaCrilly

We are delighted to share a selection of blogs written by our supporters that communicate their experience of mental health.

To share your experiences, stories or poetry, please go to Write a blog. You will need to be a registered member of the SANE Community, go to login/register.

Poem: Mental illness is like a cancer of the mind

09 Oct 2020 , by SamanthaCrilly

Poem: Mental illness is like a cancer of the mind

Mental illness is like a cancer of the mind,
An Imperceptible indiscriminatory presence to humankind
Those touched by it, will know it’s a debilitating living nightmare
However even in our deepest darkest moments of despair
We may not always see hope, but it doesn’t mean …

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Poem: An Unwanted Intruder

08 Oct 2020 , by SamanthaCrilly

Poem: An Unwanted Intruder

I lay there asleep, in peace on my bed
Avoiding waking to confront the demon in my head
Losing myself in my beautiful dreams
Feeling free, well, for what it seems

I wake and feel the constraint around me
Face to face with the …

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Poem: Ana

07 Oct 2020 , by SamanthaCrilly

Poem: Ana

Sitting down to my family dinner,
Everyone staring as I become thinner.
Ana slowly creeping into my thoughts
Telling me to put down my knife and fork.

There’s nothing I can do to make her eat, Mum whispers to Dad,
Ana smiles all smug …

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