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Blogs by M Sophia

We are delighted to share a selection of blogs written by our supporters that communicate their experience of mental health.

To share your experiences, stories or poetry, please go to Write a blog. You will need to be a registered member of the SANE Community, go to login/register.

The worst version of myself

15 Nov 2019 , by M Sophia

The worst version of myself

Why do we talk about versions of ourselves? Why do we strive to be better or put so much pressure on ourselves; that our own vision of ourselves become distorted and we come to conclusion we are the worst version. This disturbed thinking creates confusion, and we start to question …

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Suicide awareness and prevention

13 Sep 2019 , by M Sophia

Suicide awareness and prevention

Ever wondered what it’s like to be suicidal not receive any help when asking in desperation and then surviving an attempt? I have decided to write a post about my experience to try and open up discussion around this, still very stigmatised, uneasy topic in today’s society.


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