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Blogs by BipolarNerdGirl

We are delighted to share a selection of blogs written by our supporters that communicate their experience of mental health.

To share your experiences, stories or poetry, please go to Write a blog. You will need to be a registered member of the SANE Community, go to login/register.

Working with a psychiatric mental health condition: a letter to employers

04 Jul 2022 , by BipolarNerdGirl

Working with a psychiatric mental health condition: a letter to employers

In 2017, a survey of individuals in the UK found that only 26.2% of people who were “experiencing long term mental illness or phobias as their primary, or most significant, health issue” were in employment. As someone with a chronic psychiatric disorder, I find this figure both shocking and disheartening …

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Forging a partnership with bipolar

29 Apr 2022 , by BipolarNerdGirl

Forging a partnership with bipolar

Although I was expecting the words at some point, actually hoping for them in some sort of way, they still landed like a tonne weight on my chest when they were finally said.

“I’m diagnosing you with bipolar,” my psychiatrist said in almost a blasé, factual tone.

I suppose this …

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