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Blogs by AliceRitaK

We are delighted to share a selection of blogs written by our supporters that communicate their experience of mental health.

To share your experiences, stories or poetry, please go to Write a blog. You will need to be a registered member of the SANE Community, go to login/register.

When the doubt creeps in

27 Aug 2020 , by AliceRitaK

When the doubt creeps in

I’ve had a good day today and achieved a lot but it’s the end of the day now and I’m playing punish in my head. Doing a postmortem of things I’ve said. I work with victims of domestic violence and it’s been SO busy since lockdown began. I am never …

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Codependency reared its head

12 Jul 2020 , by AliceRitaK

Codependency reared its head

I don’t know where to start. I generally think my thoughts, ideas and behaviours are rubbish because I’m rubbish. When you have been told often enough that you are stupid you believe it.

I’ve hated lockdown and I’m struggling with depression and panic attacks. I had breast cancer last year …

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