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I've lost a paper in my pocket while I was working now I feel anxious sometimes

It was the end of my shift and I was checking for my paper in my pocket (This happened nearly 2 weeks ago) because last time it was in the pocket. This paper contained a bunch of ID work numbers and I think it contained other information like a diary. It disappeared from my pocket. I started to check things in my backpack but no paper was to be found. I have tried to go looking for it and I went to the lost property section but they said they haven't found any paper. Am I just overthinking it? How do I stop thinking about it? Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice on how to be calm and forget this?

Hi, Russell1997

I joined this Forum on 19th August 2022 - and so have only just read your message.

I am interested to know how you have been in just over a month? Better? The same? Worse?

If the same and/or worse, then can I suggest that you go to your Doctor, and discuss these issues. Losing these things would cause most people anxiety - but the fact you've posted on here sounds like you may need more help other than to allow time as a healer.

I may be able to speak to you about this because this is a Post that I relate to very much.

I hope to hear from you.

Best wishes


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