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30 Jan 2020

SANE tribute to Charles Bracken MBE

It is with great sadness that SANE pays tribute to Charles Bracken MBE, who died on 27 January.

Charles was a founding Director and recent Chairman of SANE who gave 35 years of his life in supporting the charity and pioneering its development. He was a never-failing source of strength, and we owe a great debt to a truly good and remarkable man.

Marjorie Wallace, SANE’s founder and Chief Executive, said:

“I was privileged to be able to express our thanks and say goodbye to Charles just hours before he died – peacefully and having been beautifully cared for, a tribute to the devotion of his wife and daughters during an illness bravely borne.

“Without Charles’ life-affirming presence and encouragement, SANE would not have come into existence, let alone flourished for the last three decades.”

Charles Bracken

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