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17 Jan 2022

SANE supports NHS mental health services ‘Help!’ campaign

SANE is supporting NHS England and NHS Improvement’s latest mental health campaign to encourage people struggling with their mental health to seek support.

The NHS provides a range of talking therapies for common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression which are free, effective and confidential.

The ‘Help!’ campaign encourages anyone experiencing common mental health problems to seek help from these NHS services – either by referring themselves, or by contacting their GP practice.

There are lots of different ways of accessing this support including in-person, by video consultation, telephone and interactive text.

The campaign uses lyrics from The Beatles’ song ‘Help!’ to bring to life the message that anyone can experience feelings of anxiety and depression, and that it’s totally normal to ask for help.

Sony and Apple Corps have kindly gifted the NHS the rights to the song in support of the NHS and mental health.

Famous faces from across music and radio, including Craig David, Tom Grennan, Laura Mvula, Nicola Roberts (pictured below), Ella Henderson, Max George, as well as NHS therapists and people who have benefited from the NHS mental health Talking Therapy services, are supporting the campaign in a powerful new video. Featuring the lyrics of The Beatles’ classic ‘Help!’, the video calls on people who are struggling to reach out for support through NHS services. Visit for more information.

If you need information or support please visit our Support page.

NHS "Help!" Campaign

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Laura Mvula: Generation Anxiety – Singer-songwriter Laura Mvula examines her own experiences of anxiety and panic attacks, and looks at why under-35s are particularly prone to feeling anxious. Via YouTube.

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