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12 Apr 2022

SANE calls for help to shape future mental health services

SANE is urging everyone concerned to join us in helping to shape future mental health services after the government launched a public consultation on a new 10-year mental health plan.

The public, people of all ages with lived experience of mental health conditions, health and care professionals, and those who support people with mental ill-health are urged to respond to a 12-week consultation to inform the new 10-year mental health plan and a refreshed National Suicide Prevention Plan.

On the launch of the consultation, Marjorie Wallace CBE, Chief Executive of SANE, said: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to help create mental health services able to respond to individual need at the time a person reaches out for help, or when they need consistent support. We hope that everyone concerned will take this opportunity to shape the future.”

The government is seeking views on what can be improved within the current service, particularly in light of the pandemic which has led to record levels of people seeking treatment.

The following key questions will be addressed in the plan:

  • How can we all promote positive mental wellbeing?
  • How can we all prevent the onset of mental ill-health?
  • How can we all intervene earlier when people need support with their mental health?
  • How can we improve the quality and effectiveness of treatment for mental health conditions?
  • How can we all support people living with mental health conditions to live well?
  • How can we all improve support for people in crisis?

The call for evidence will close on Thursday, 7 July.

Full details on how to respond can be found on the website.

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