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10 Dec 2018

Men’s Voices United sing for SANE

From singing in their bathrooms to performing in a choir. Welwyn Garden’s City’s charity pop-up male choir, Men’s Voices United has already made a great impact. The choir group formed only six months ago, and has already raised nearly £8,000 for three mental health charities, including £1,235 for SANE.

Long-lost love of singing

Most of the men who went to Men’s Voices United‘s first rehearsal had never sung in a choir before. However, they had to be ready for a performance in just ten weeks on World Mental Health Day, Wednesday 10 October. But, the male choir quickly became a confident and rousing group of singers, and their concert was a huge success.

The group said that they felt the project had rekindled a long-lost love of singing. This was a passion that MVU member Nick said he didn’t intend to lose again.

Another of Men’s Voices United’s members, Mike spoke with enthusiasm about performing with others whilst raising money for SANE:

“Singing with others is such a rewarding experience, with the bonus, in this case, of raising money for some really important mental health charities.”

Men's Voices United

Fundraising is vital

On Thursday 29 November, the choir members met up to present the huge total to the charities. Jo Christophi, Head of Fundraising and Marketing, was keen to express SANE’s gratitude for the immense fundraising effort of the choir:

“Fundraising by volunteers is absolutely vital to the continued ability of SANE to provide services to provide help both for people with mental health problems and their carers.”

And, the choir isn’t planning for this to be their first and last concert. Martyn Voyle, chair of the Welwyn Garden City choir, says that “several members of Men’s Voices United have accepted [their] open invitation to continue their singing career with Welwyn Garden City Male Voice Choir”.

We wish them all good luck for their future performances and thank them for their wonderful fundraising efforts!

If you have been inspired by Men’s Voice United, then Get Involved and fundraise today!

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