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20 Oct 2021

Friends take on 50km trek for SANE

Two friends recently took on a mighty challenge in aid of SANE. Ross and Richard trekked an incredible 50km across South Wales’ Brecon Beacons as part of TrekFest and raised an incredible £2,904.

Mental Health in an Unequal World

The theme this year for World Mental Health Day was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. Things are slowly starting to shift; stigmas around some mental health issues have changed and the government is in the process of reforming the Mental Health Act.

Ross & Richard - TrekFest

However, existing inequalities still need to be addressed. SANE has campaigned tirelessly towards stopping the stigma around mental health and through the helpline and text message service, has helped countless people in need of emotional support.

Our fundraisers are extremely important in helping the charity to carry on its frontline services and today we would like to thank Ross Peter and Richard Miller for their great support to SANE.

The real heroes of this pandemic

We asked both our fundraisers how COVID19 has affected themselves and their surroundings. Ross said, “In the last 18 months I have been witness to some of the real heroes of this pandemic which has inspired me to think differently about dealing with mental health and challenging the stigma associated with keeping it all in and not speaking out.”

He continues, “Firstly, my wife who was told the terrible news during this pandemic that her mother has dementia and seeing her courage and determination in dealing with this in the open whilst raising two kids (one with autism) and two dogs. Second, my work colleagues who have worked tirelessly throughout this time dealing with the everyday stress of balancing a work/home environment. Finally, I have been inspired by all those having to deal day in and day out with this horrible pandemic which has taken so many from us and yet the humanity shown by the many, especially those dealing with mental health issues, has just been incredible, proving we can overcome any adversity thrown at us.”

Richard said, “I myself am a diagnosed sufferer of Anxiety, something that has impacted me for the majority of my life. Thankfully, I have recently received CBT and am on serotonin balancing medication which helps me manage the condition. When I have a ‘wobble’ it has the ability to take over my mind and thoughts, leaving me with great difficulty to focus on the now and only think about the negative.”

The positive impact of exercise on mental health

Much scientific work has been done to prove the effectiveness of exercise in helping people with their mental health. Fortunately this was the case for Richard as he mentions:

Doing this challenge, not only has improved my physical fitness but has stretched my mental stamina and strengthened my ability to overcome stressful moments.

Ross gives us a positive feedback regarding his experience with the coronavirus: “If this pandemic has taught me anything, it is that we must not be afraid to open up more and help one another.”

A big thanks to our amazing fundraisers Richard and Ross. If you are inspired by our two trekkers and would like to challenge yourself, check out our Events page and get involved today!

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