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16 Jan 2019

Claudia takes on thrilling skydive for SANE

Claudia took on the thrilling skydive on Saturday 4 November, raising an amazing £475 for SANE. Part of this total was raised by a raffle, for which Claudia’s colleagues at NHS Business Services Authority had donated items.

Claudia’s skydive story

Claudia’s story of her skydive is both terrifying and inspiring: “As the plane ascended my mind was calm but my body was in overdrive. I felt excitement, anticipation and trepidation as adrenaline surged through me. I was strapped to my instructor (who was an absolute legend) – he must have felt my legs shaking!

“We ascended in small slow circles, the height reader slowly increasing as the plane took speed. At 12,000 feet the door flew open. I was the last of six divers to jump. My instructor and I shuffled over to the door and I could suddenly see the ground – 12,000 feet away.

Claudia skydives for SANE

Ready? 1, 2, 3…

“My knees edged along the side of the door frame. ‘Ready? 1, 2, 3…’. We tumbled, and then nose-dived in free fall. The wind pushed against my face as I shouted through the air. But I couldn’t hear myself shout. All I could absorb was the air and the space and the sheer vast atmosphere I was soaring through.

“The free fall lasted less than one minute. I felt a slight tug as the parachute engaged, allowing us to glide around in the air and watch the ants (who were actually my family) standing far below.

“We swirled through the air as we tugged at the parachute and glided around. The air became slower as it passed my ears. I loosened my goggles and looked around at the world. This really was what it could be like to fly.”

Meeting the challenge of mental illness

The day-out on Saturday 4 November was all about helping SANE to meet the challenge of mental illness. Claudia was keen to thank everyone as NHSBSA and SANE for playing their part: “The experience was incredible and I can’t thank everyone enough for donating and taking part. And thank you to SANE for being so supportive and encouraging: such a small team deserves a huge thank you.”

Claudia’s skydive is a great example of a fun way to fundraise for SANE, and we’re so grateful for her efforts. Thank you, Claudia!

If you have been inspired by Claudia’s story and would like to fundraise for better mental health, check out our Challenge Events today!

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