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18 Dec 2018

Christmas campaign shows “It’s The Most Difficult Time of Year”

Christmas is supposed to be a time of cheer, but we all know that the reality can look a little different. SANE has launched it’s very own Christmas campaign. Using Christmas wrapping paper, it is to remind people that Christmas is not “the happiest time of the year” for everyone.

It’s The Most Difficult Time of Year

The wrapping paper features traditional Christmas images of smiling Santas and snowmen on the outside. However, when the parcel is opened it reveals less happy versions of the characters – with the headline “You don’t always know what’s going on inside” and a call to support.

A typographic version uses type in the shape of a Christmas bauble and reads: “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year”. On the inside it reads: “It’s The Most Difficult Time of The Year”.

We’re here to provide support

Marjorie Wallace, Chief Executive of SANE, said: “The holiday season is meant to be the happiest of the year. There is intense pressure, exasperated by images in media, for Christmas to be wonderful and we are expected to be upbeat and full of joy. But this can contrast dramatically with how some people are feeling inside. So, we want to remind those who feel left out or are finding it difficult, that we’re here to provide them with support and help.”

Students at Watford College created the campaign in collaboration with Iris, who produced SANE’s #LetMeTalk campaign earlier this year. Iris creatives Matt Weston and Pete Sanna who created #LetMeTalk said:

“The guys showed us their Christmas idea and we knew that the team at SANE would love its simplicity and the powerful message it delivers. We, then, got some designers involved and presented it.”

The wrapping paper is being distributed this week and mailed out to influencers.

To give a £5 gift of support this Christmas, simply text SANE to 70500. Thank you.

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