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19 Dec 2019

Study shows teenage girls far more likely to self-harm

Teenage girls are suffering far worse mental health and wellbeing issues than boys, according to a major new study by the University of Warwick.

The findings based on more than 11,000 UK teenagers found that around 15% (approximately 1,650) reported self-harm in the last year. Among them more than seven in ten (73%) were girls – more than double the rate for boys (27%).

Marjorie Wallace, Chief Executive of SANE, comments:

“It is a grave concern that young people, and girls in particular, are self-harming in far greater numbers than even a decade ago.

“SANE’s own research shows that this is not a cry for attention, but a hidden method of coping with the stress and pressure of life, which we believe is exacerbated by 24-hour access to social media. A significant number describe self-harm as a way of protecting themselves from taking a more irrevocable step, and shielding other people from their pain.

“We encourage people who contact our helpline to seek help in releasing their feelings of distress before resorting to self-harm.”

Teenage girls self-harm three times as much as boys ‘because they tend to internalise problems and blame themselves more often’ – Daily Mail

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