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In Memory

Donating, fundraising or arranging a collection in memory of someone special are positive, meaningful ways to remember them and celebrate their life.

You can donate online or ask people to donate at a funeral or remembrance service using our collection envelopes. Cheques made out to SANE can be sent to: SANE, St Marks Studios, 14 Chillingworth Road, London, N7 8QJ.

You may also like to create a tribute to your loved one through JustGiving. It’s a place for family and friends to share photographs, stories and memories as well as donations to SANE. Tribute pages are ongoing, so occasions like birthdays and anniversaries can be celebrated year after year.

You can also set up a Facebook Fundraiser to share with family and friends. This is another opportunity to remember your loved one and to share stories and memories.

Many people also choose to fundraise in memory of a loved one. Whether it’s organising a bake sale or taking on a personal challenge such as a cycling event like SANE supporter Jannine did, it’s a wonderful tribute to someone special.

Jannine Bowtell - SANE Fundraiser

Jannine lost her son Adam to depression but she’s keeping his memory alive and supporting others who may be struggling by taking on challenge events in support of SANE.

In March 2021, Jannine decided to raise funds to help SANE’s work. She took on the challenge of cycling virtually from Land’s End to John O’Groats in memory of Adam, to celebrate what would have been his 30th birthday.

SANE works to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. They provide that listening ear for those needing to talk. SANE depends on donations and goodwill so that it can continue its vital work.

Read Jannine’s story: Loving mother raises £1,001 in memory of her beloved son

Visit our Challenge Events page to find out more about the ways you can get involved.

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